On Friday, October 26th the students
of Lietz Elementary will all be participating in the annual Lietz Walk-a-Thon.
The Walk-a-Thon is the largest Lietz Home and School Club fundraiser of the
year! The financial generosity of our community, including parents, friends,
family, neighbors, and local businesses, is what enables us to provide programs
to the students that would otherwise not exist.
of Lietz Elementary will all be participating in the annual Lietz Walk-a-Thon.
The Walk-a-Thon is the largest Lietz Home and School Club fundraiser of the
year! The financial generosity of our community, including parents, friends,
family, neighbors, and local businesses, is what enables us to provide programs
to the students that would otherwise not exist.
This year’s goal is to raise $50,000 through this amazing event.
does my money go?
does my money go?
100% of your donation will
go directly to our school programs.
go directly to our school programs.
Art Vistas
Art Vistas
Create With Clay
Create With Clay
Project Cornerstone
Project Cornerstone
Teacher Grants
Teacher Grants
Kindergarten Yard Duty
Kindergarten Yard Duty
Safety Patrol
Safety Patrol
And many more!
And many more!
How do we meet our goal of
Each child has a goal to raise $200.
Each child has a goal to raise $200.
A donation of any amount
A donation of any amount
Be sure to check with your
company to see if they will match your donation!
Be sure to check with your
company to see if they will match your donation!
Ask friends, families and
Ask friends, families and
How to submit your donation
· Make your donation online here!
· Cash and check donations may be turned in via your Walk-a-Thon Envelope by October 26th. Checks may be made payable to Lietz Home and School Club.
· Remember, Lietz HSC is a registered 501(c)(3) – your donation is tax deductible!
Lietz Home and School Club Tax ID: 77-0227217
Student Goals and
students will receive a 2018 Lietz Ninja Warrior Walk-a-Thon t-shirt! - Every
child who raises at least $200 will receive a Ninja Warrior water bottle! - 5th
grade students who raise $200 or more will be entered into a drawing for a
$100 credit toward science camp! - *NEW
– Top class per grade level with
highest participation will receive their choice of a pizza or ice cream party!
Every dollar helps. Every fundraising envelope returned by October 26,
regardless of donation amount, will contribute to class participation!
How can I help?
your child reach their $200 goal!
your child reach their $200 goal!
sure to turn in your Walk-a-Thon envelopes by October 26!
sure to turn in your Walk-a-Thon envelopes by October 26!
your employer if they will to match your donation.
your employer if they will to match your donation.
are many volunteer opportunities available, so please sign up! http://tinyurl.com/Lietzwalkathon2018
are many volunteer opportunities available, so please sign up! http://tinyurl.com/Lietzwalkathon2018
Lietz Home and School Club Tax ID: 77-0227217
Questions? Please contact lietzwalkathon@gmail.com
Thank you for your generosity!