General Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2020
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
*23 members in attendance
Call to order [Kelli Martines] 7:00
- Welcome and Board Introductions
Secretary’s Report – [Petra Riguero] 7:10
- Approve 9/16/20 Minutes
- Newsletter – new format
- A hard copy of the November Newsletter will be included in the October 30th school supply distribution
- Beginning with the November Newsletter, HSC Board will post the Newsletter on the HSC website. A link to the blog will be sent out by Principal Sandya Lopez.
- Motion to approve by Erika Byrum
- 2nd motion by Stephania Panayotopoulos
Walkathon update- [Jasmin Canty] 7:15
- Plans to reopen are not set. Rather than plan something virtual we are moving it out to Spring. We are still planning something virtually in November, Lion scavenger hunt in the neighborhood. Fun things to do to get the kids outside.
Tentative dates:- November 20, 2020
- December 4, 2020
- No carnival unless guidelines are loosened. May combine the silent auction with the carnival.
Principal’s Report – [Sandya Lopez] 7:20
- Appreciate the flexibility around the walkathon
- October 30 th will be a special day for students- 600 goodie bags have been put together to keep the Halloween spirit alive. This will be the second round of supplies and a treat bag. Perhaps staff will dress up in costume.
- This update will go out in Sandya’s Newsletter
- Five cohorts currently (12 students) attending in-person class at Lietz – 60 kids
- SDC cohort -10 students
- Today was first day of activity/games club- 4 cohorts of 12 students. It was great to see because it wasn’t about academics, it was just about kids having fun.
- Reminder- officer hours 10/22 at 12:00. Parent survey results. Thank you, Marty for the suggestion to continue the pumpkin carving contest.
- If you did not attend the Board Meeting, Superintendent provided an update on return to school timeline-
- December – Stage 3 reopening TK- 1 st
- January -Stage 4 2 nd – 5 th
- February – Stage 5 is middle school
- Late January- Distance learning only option
- Question- Is there an alternate time for pick up of the 10/30 supply distribution?
Answer- Sandya will announce or Teacher will notify parents.
Community Announcement: CUHSD Measure L – [Jennifer Fosco] 7:30
- Message from Campbell union High School district
- COVID-19 impact will continue for 4-5 years
- Encourage everyone to support
- CUHSD- budget cuts due to COVID-19, sales taxes, distanced learning,
- What can we do with this money? It is a survival measure. There are things vocational and technical career, advance college prep classes, elective classes (art), mental health services, cut section of science, language and math. It is not a fluffy measure, it is a survival measure.
- Current parcel tax that is being extended, not a new tax.
- Question- Doesn’t tie with measure 15?
- Answer- Could be related depending on how money gets allocated. Basic money issues throughout the education system. This Measure L will stay in the district. Encourage yes on 15.
- Go to CUHSD website to get more details on the Measure L or go this website –
Teacher’s Report – [Leslie Long] 7:35
- Notified staff of the $500 grants. Sent out the link for reimbursement and
offered support to complete.
Question from teachers- Is there money allocated ($1,000 per grade level) for field trips? There are some virtual field trips that classes may want to visit.
Sandya will work with other Principals on some nice virtual field trips. Approved to keep line item the same. Budget is on HSC website- Assemblies scheduled for this year. Please share any suggestions with HSC
- We are getting a handle on the academics and now want to have more of the fun
stuff. - Do we need to reallocate some of the funds for field trip to something else?
- If teachers have a proposal for how the funds (5 th grade science camp) are to be used, please forward to HSC Executive Board and we can bring to the general meeting for review and approval.
HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities (7:40)
- HSC Program & Event Booklet – Jessica Steed
- Referred to website to download the HSC Booklet Fall 2020
- Booklet describes the different HSC programs, events, and fundraisers. It includes the contact information for the Chairs and Co-chairs.
Please contact one of the Board Members if you would like to support.
- Art Vistas – Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht, Rebekah Frederickson, Priya Vartak
- Everyone should be done with Set A by November. Be flexible with students. Its all about learning and coming up with new ideas rather than finishing the project.
- Head docents to follow up with 5 th grade classes
- Kindergarten does not have a docent because they do not have live classes
- Box Tops for Education – SoYun Kim
- As of July digital submissions earned $50. Labels since June, 476.
- Need more help getting the word out. Tons of promoting going on.
- Contest has kicked off. Can we get the help of room parents to get the word out? Student and teacher winner will get a mystery gift card.
- October 30- drop off or go digital.
- Will go towards our teacher/staff appreciation
- Create With Clay – Aaryn Church
- On hold
- Project Cornerstone – Kelli Martines, Sarah Rizvi, Lisa Valera
- Sarah will be our new lead
- First training with readers
- Theme – Empathy
- Look for the notebooks in the October 30 th supply distribution
- Room Parent Update – Preeti Agarwal
- Announced Teachers who wanted room parents. Thank you to all parents who volunteered. One class that we are still looking for a room parent- SDC class
- Walkathon – Jasmin Canty, Jennifer Kubisz, presented earlier in the agenda.
Treasurer’s Report – [Melissa Ramos, Mathieu Olivari] 7:50
- Reviewed budgeted activity that has happened since the beginning
of the school year. - Teacher submitted for their reimbursements
Old Business
- Program Proposal Form – Kelli Martines
- Idea came last year on how we should share different ideas for new
programs. We took that idea, pared it down to something more
simplified, and created a form on the HSC website. - Complete the fields and if you don’t know the budget, you can put $0.
- Idea came last year on how we should share different ideas for new