General Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2020
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

*24 total in attendance, inc Lietz staff (2), USD staff (1), USD Board (1)

Welcome & Announcements – Kelli Martines (7:04)

    1. Board introductions
    2. USD Guests to thank the parents and Board for their participation in HSC
      i. Thomas Rossmeissl– USD Board of Trustees President
      ii. Denise Coleman- USD Superintendent
    3. 11/16/20 Board Meeting Update
      1. January school reopening date will be pushed out
    4.  2020-21 Parent Leadership Council Representatives
      1. Kelli Martines and Petra Riguero
    5. 2020-21 Lietz School Site Council Representative
      1. Caitlin Samenfeld- Specht

Secretary’s Report – Petra Riguero (7:16)

    1. Vote to approve 10/21/20 Minutes
      1. Motion-Michelle Peterson
      2. 2 nd -Stephania Panayotopoulos

Principal’s Report – Sandya Lopez (7:19)

    1. Fancy Pants Day is Friday
    2. School Site Council
      1. Student plan for student achievement

Teacher’s Report – Leslie Long (7:22)

    1. Thank you for supporting progams

HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities (7:24)

    1. Art Vistas – Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht, Rebekah Frederickson (abs), Priya Vartak (abs)
      1. Everybody should be done with step A and should be moving on to step B
      2. Everyone should have received their supplies in the last supply pick up
      3. Encourage everyone to be created and use supplies from home
      4. USD Art Vistas- Lietz parent has donated some artwork for fundraising. Artwork will be posted on the website
    2. Box Tops for Education – SoYun Kim
      1. We have earned $57.30.
      2. November contest is on its way. To be entered you just need to submit two box tops labels
      3. If you buy two Annie’s products- the school gets 10 points
    3. Chef’s Night Out – Jessica Steed (abs)
      1. Chipotle Night-December 6 th
    4. Drama Club – Nancy Grochowski (abs), Sue Malloy (abs)
        1. Extended the deadline to sign up Tuesday, November 24th
    5. Holiday Workshop – Amy Elrite (abs)
      1. Working with teachers to get materials out
      2. Hoping to get materials out in December
    6. Project Cornerstone – Sarah Rizvi (abs), Lisa Valera
      1. Going well and reaching out to parents that have volunteered in the past
      2. Classes that don’t have a volunteer, we have been sending prerecorded videos to share.
    7. Staff Appreciation – Kelli Martines
    8. Walkathon – Jasmin Canty, Jennifer Kubisz (abs)
      1. Create videos of exercises
      2. Community event on your own schedules
    9. Give Thanks – Kelli Martines
      1. Show support and gratitude for our teachers and support staff
      2. You can go to the HSC website blog and indicate ‘Staff Appreciation’ to donate

Treasurer’s Report – Melissa Ramos, Mathieu Olivari (7:35)

    1. Shared Statement of Activity through 8/1/20 -11/17/20
    2. Chef’s Night Out and a couple more teacher grant requests received
    3. AmazonSmile – on the Amazon app you can select Lietz HSC to receive a portion of your purchase
      1. Sandya can send out instructions on how to sign up for AmazonSmile so Lietz HSC can receive the 0.5% of purchases
      2. You have to manually select the option
      3. Must set up mobile app, even if you have selected a designee on another device; this must be renewed annually

Old Business

    1. HSC Bylaw Revisions – Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht (7:42)
      1. There were changes that were proposed changes from Spring of last year from previous Board
      2. Current Board reviewed recommended changes
      3. Proposed changes will be in red and posted to the HSC Website for 30 days
      4. We will vote on changes at the January 20th (update: January 13) meeting
      5. Link for Bylaw changes will be included in the December Newsletter
    2. December Newsletter will be posted to the HSC website only. We will not distribute a hard copy or send a pdf copy through email.

Spin the wheel for a prize, everyone that entered the meeting by 7:10 was entered – Jessica Revino winner!

Next meeting is on January 13 (date change), 2021

    1. January 20 th is inauguration day, and we may move the meeting up. We’ll send out a notice if date is changed.

Motion to Adjourn

    1. Motion-Jasmin Canty
    2. 2 nd -Erika Byrum

Adjournment – Kelli Martines (7:56)