General Meeting Minutes
February 24, 2021
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
35 members in attendance.
- Welcome & Announcements – Kelli Martines (7:00)
- Welcome
- USD Board Meeting Update
- Focused on the reopening:
- February 22: K-2nd grade
- March 8: 3rd-5th grade
- February 22: K-2nd grade
- Focused on the reopening:
- Secretary’s Report – Petra Riguero (7:10)
- Vote to approve 1/17/21 Minutes
- Motion to approve – Jasmin Canty
- Request for Annemarie Guido’s presentation from body image/positive self-talk fifth grade assembly. Mrs. Lopez will ask Miss Guido for permission to share presentation slides.
- 2nd- Lisa Valera
- Treasurer’s Report – Melissa Ramos, Mathieu Olivari (7:15)
- Updated report to date from beginning of school year
- We have been receiving reimbursement requests for teacher grants
- Change in cost for annual accounting- Cost went from $3,000 to $500 for the accountant
- Same accountant as Guadalupe Elementary
- Community Questions
- What is Emergency Holiday assistance? (Erika Byrum)
- During winter break, Exec Board worked with Mrs. Lopez to provide families in need some assistance to purchase food at Safeway
- Put together a group to look at what we can do to offer more support to families. What are we able to do as a Home and School Club to support families?
- Are we allocating any funds for PPE since school is opening? (SoYun Kim)
- USD has been working on health and safety protocols since March. They secured enough PPE for school sites for the remainder of the school year through a grant, in addition to state funding
- What are we planning to spend for the teacher grants? (Lien Addo)
- The Statement of Activity reflects expenditures.
- What has been budgeted for teacher appreciation? (Lien Addo)
- $1,500 is the approved annual budget. We have additional funds from the “Give Thanks” effort to support teachers.
- What is Emergency Holiday assistance? (Erika Byrum)
- Principal’s Report – Sandya Lopez (7:20)
- Just completed third day of in-person learning
- Thank you to the Executive Board for the snacks for teachers and staff
- Thank you to Preeti and Santosh for delivery plants and fruit to teachers.
- Reopening went well. Nice to see the kids see each other and interact.
- Grades 3-5 will come back on March 8th.
- Office hours on 2/25 will on be 30 minutes
- School Site Council- completed our last meeting on 2/24/21. Teachers, classified staff and parents work together to write plans for school- Safety plan, achievement gap
- Lietz was highlighted on ABC 7- Ms. Guido and USD nurse Kris Suzuki
- Reach out to Ms. Lopez or teacher if you have questions or concerns.
- Teacher’s Report – Leslie Long (7:25)
- Message was sent out to teachers. Thank you for the first day treats.
- Teachers are busy trying to make the best placements for kids.
- Teachers are wondering what Art Vistas and Cornerstone are going to look like?
- HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities – Jessica Iwamoto Steed, Preeti Agarwal (7:30)
- Art Vistas – Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht, Rebekah Frederickson, Priya Vartak
- Still plugging along. Don’t have too many updates. Everyone should be finished with the first half of the year and should be beginning with the second half.
- We are holding off on checking in with teachers to allow them to get settled into the classroom.
- We have videos for all lessons in modified form so they can be done at home. We want to make sure that everyone has the materials to participate at home.
- Box Tops for Education – SoYun Kim
- No submissions for January or February. We need more support promoting and submitting.
- It’s difficult to see who is submitting on the scanners. Need to get the mail submissions by March 1st. Anything after March 1st will be for the November 12th check distribution.
- We’ve raised $111.
- Lucky Charms is having promotion. We just need to submit two to be eligible for $500.
- Chef’s Night Out – Jessica Iwamoto Steed
- Erik’s Delicafe- 2/25 10am-8pm
- Mountain Mikes Pizza- 3/10 from 11am-9pm
- Kirk’s Steakhouse -4/6 from 4pm-9pm
- Phone orders only
- Create With Clay – Aaryn Church
- Logistically, it doesn’t make sense to send projects home at this time. Would like to send some recipes home for salt dough. Look for link on the website and the March Newsletter
- Drama – Nancy Grochowski, Sue Malloy
- Video and audio editor has been hired. Recording begins next week.
- Garden Club- Lisa Porter, John Wheeler
- District is very busy at this time. We don’t have water for the garden. Due to being back this week, we’d like to get students out to the outdoor spaces.
- Mrs. Lopez shared that garden space is currently being used for student outdoor learning/play.
- District is very busy at this time. We don’t have water for the garden. Due to being back this week, we’d like to get students out to the outdoor spaces.
- Math Olympiad – Mike Homer, Sean Samenfeld-Specht
- 20 or so kids enrolled. Just completed a contest last week.
- International program. Kids must participate in five contests throughout the program. It’s about growth learning and strategies. Five contests will be totaled up and then ranked. We scored in the top 5% last year. Progress happening with scores this year.
- Open to 4th and 5th graders
- Project Cornerstone – Sarah Rizvi, Lisa Valera
- In the same position as Art vistas with giving teachers their space during this time.
- Document has been created to give parents talking points to use with children at home. Ways to make them feel better about the reopening situation.
- Sending teachers a needs assessment to identify their preferences for remainder of year
- Scholastic Book Fair – Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht, Jenny Torres
- Librarian Jenny Torres will be providing a virtual book fair 3/8-3/22
- Hoping that teachers will have a basket “wish list” that they’d like to have in their classroom
- Anything you buy during the book fair will benefit Lietz HSC
- Staff Appreciation – Kelli Martines
- HSC provided teachers goodie bags for first day of back on 2/24
- We hope that you are seeing our Teacher Spotlight on our monthly Newsletter that is posted to our website. In February we got to know our 2nd grade teachers.
- NEW PROGRAM – Farm Fresh To you – Mathieu Olivari
- Subscription Program to get fruits and vegetables delivered to you.
- We get 10% of all sales
- If you already have a subscription and enter the promo code- Lietzhsc
- You can find the link on the Newsletter and the HSC Website
- Art Vistas – Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht, Rebekah Frederickson, Priya Vartak
- New Business
- Website updates (7:55)
- Store – Kelli Martines
- Launching the HSC Store on the HSC Website
- At this time, we are starting with a limited quantity of adult masks that are available for purchase.
- Promoting youth masks- each mask is $10
- We will deliver to the address that is linked to your paypal
- Masks are not adjustable
- Spinning wheel contest for youth mask giveaway
- 1st winner- Thidar Soe
- 2nd winner- Marilenis Olivera Lee
- Store – Kelli Martines
- Website updates (7:55)
- 2021-23 HSC Executive Board (8:03)
- Open positions
- President
- Co-Treasurer
- Candidates will be confirmed at HSC General Meeting on May 19, 2021
- If you are interested in a position, please contact:
- Open positions
- Adjournment – Kelli Martines (8:07)
- Motion to adjourn the meeting: Aaryn Church
- 2nd- Lisa Porter
*Next Meeting is March 17, 2021