General Meeting Minutes

March 17, 2021

7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

*22 members in attendance


  1. Welcome & Announcements – Kelli Martines (7:00)
    1. Welcome
      1. Jasmin Canty suggested that we record the meeting.  
      2. Board Introductions
    2. USD Board Meeting Update
      1. Announcement that middle school campuses will be open to grade 6 on March 22nd and grades 7-8 on April 12th. 
    3. 2021-23 Executive Board openings
      1. President and Co-Treasurer


  1. Secretary’s Report – Petra Riguero (7:05)
    1. Vote to approve 2/24/21 Minutes
      1. Motion to Approve- Lisa Porter 
      2. Second-Jasmin Canty


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Melissa Ramos, Mathieu Olivari (7:10)
    1. Spirit Wear line item represents the difference of cost for mask vs. revenue from purchases
    2. Total Revenue is $9,535.30  
    3. Total expenses –  $10,892.74. 
    4. Board approved $100 to go to District staff appreciation as Hospitality expense; to be reflected on April statement 


  1. Principal’s Report – Sandya Lopez (7:16)
    1. Twice as many kids back on campus- 3-5th graders returned on March 8th
    2. Thank you for the gifts on first day back
    3. District sent out a notice that the travel restriction has been lifted and you no longer need to quarantine for 10 days
    4. Two cohort rule has been lifted
    5. Teachers may need to take time off after 2nd vaccine- students may do zooming or independent work
    6. Special office hours tomorrow at 12:00-1:00 p.m.
    7. Decade Day on Friday 
    8. Campus is open to everyone after 4:00 p.m.  Mrs. Lopez will send out a notification that dogs need to stay on a leash
    9. Question- After 4:00, are masks required?  
      1. Yes, Mrs. Lopez suggests that you continue to wear masks as good practice


  1. Teacher’s Report – Leslie Long (7:22)
    1. Thank you for the treats on the first day back.  Teachers were working on report cards and planning for reopening so it was nice to get treats.  
    2. Thank you for the new books from the book fair.  It’s always nice to have new books in our classrooms. 
    3. Science Camp was done virtually for a week in January
      1. Merchandise was available for kids to wear during the week


  1. HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities (7:26)
    1. Art Vistas -Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht, Rebekah Frederickson, Priya Vartek 
      1. Materials will be distributed for final projects at the next pick up
    2. Chef’s Night Out – Jessica Iwamoto Steed
      1. Kirk’s Steakburgers will be on Tuesday, April 6th 4-9pm
      2. Mountain Mike’s CNO was very successful.  Thank you. 
    3. Garden Club – Lisa Porter, John Wheeler
      1. No change.  We are deferring to Mrs. Lopez due to no response from the District. 
      2. Garden Club is on hold until we can determine what will happen with distance learning.  The space is being utilized for SDC classes and the area is being fenced.
      3. Suggestion- There is a budget available to provide some gardening packets to students that they could do at home.  
        1. Planning something for Earth Day
    4. Drama – Nancy Grochowski, Sue Malloy
      1. Two weeks of home recording have been submitted to video editor
      2. Program cover artwork was submitted and a winner was selected. 
    5. Math Olympiad – Mike Homer, Sean Samenfeld-Specht
      1. Final contest will be next week
      2. Typically, there is a District wide team event but not sure if that will happen this year; TBD
    6. Music- Sue Malloy
      1. Has been in session since November
      2. Meeting class needs and what works best for teacher/class schedule
      3. Kids in grade 3-5 have the option to join individual Zoom session on recorder or ukulele, per student request
    7. Project Cornerstone – Sarah Rizvi, Lisa Valera
      1. Just finished Ruby Bridges
      2. Next meeting has been changed to April 12th
        1. Kindergarten book is Be Kind and Polite by Cheri J. Meiners 
        2. Grades 1-5 book is The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds, a book that is new to Cornerstone
      3. Teacher survey results are in and found that teachers preferred slide shows rather than live reading/activity
      4. Please look at the document “How to Manage Big Feelings About School Reopening. “
        1. We will do a special post to highlight this project 
    8. Yearbook – Jennifer Kubisz
      1. Thank you for submitting pictures for Spirit days
      2. Will explore ways to inclusive
    9. Scholastic Book Fair -Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht, Jenny Torres
      1. Book Fair is still going on and will continue until Sunday, March 21, 2021
      2. Please check the teacher wishlist
    10. Staff Appreciation – Kelli Martines
      1. Teacher Spotlight in monthly newsletter
        1. Last month we got to know the third grade teachers
        2. In April, will be spotlight our fourth grade teachers, Susan Lavelle, Sarah Paiva
      2. Delivered goodie bags for staff who returned to campus on March 8
    11. Schoolwide  Assembly: ZunZun Tunes – Preeti Agarwal, SoYun Kim
      1. Through music they talk about environmental issues, specifically water conservation
      2. There will be two assemblies coordinated with Earth Day on April 21:
        1. Grades K-2 10 am 
        2. Grades 3-5 11am 
    12. Walkathon – Jasmin Canty, Jennifer Kubisz
      1. Goal: to foster a sense of community, even while we are apart
      2. Alternative activities will be offered
      3. Will be flexible so everyone can participate
      4. Sunday 4/25 through Saturday 5/1
      5. Rising Tide fund to help cover another student’s cost.  You can sponsor another student’s goal
      6. Student cost is calculated by what it would cost to provide HSC programs to each student
        1. We will have the “Student Cost” on the form. 
      7. We may be able to share a Google form on the website for students to fill out



  1. New Business
    1. New Program Proposal: Diversity & Inclusion – Loren Romley
      1. Addressing needs around diversity and inclusion not just at Lietz, but at the District level
      2. Loren would like to gauge interest, brainstorm ideas, get feedback from community
      3. This was submitted through our ‘Help Lietz HSC’ website tab
        1. Click on ‘Propose a new program’; complete and submit the form
    2. Website
      1. Accessible in multiple languages
        1. We can include this announcement on new banners
        2. Additional languages may be added
          1. Request for Farsi


  1. Adjournment – Kelli Martines (7:55)
    1. Motion to adjourn- Lisa Porter
    2. 2nd-Jasmin Canty


*Next Meeting is April 21, 2021