General Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2021
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
23 members in attendance
- Welcome & Announcements – Kelli Martines (7:02)
- Welcome
- USD Board Meeting Update – April 12, 2021
- Extending in-person learning to 8-12p/5 days/week for elementary schools
- Superintendent Coleman has announced retirement
- USD Board of Trustees has hired a search firm to look for candidates and looking for feedback from community
- HSC Executive Board openings announcement
- President and Co-Treasurer
- Secretary’s Report – Petra Riguero (7:05)
- Motion to approve- Christine Rhinehart
- 2nd- Jennifer Kubisz
- Treasurer’s Report – Melissa Ramos, Mathieu Olivari (7:13)
- To date, walkathon has raised just over $8,000
- Teachers are submitting expenses for grants
- Chef’s Night Out has been successful
- Principal’s Report – Sandya Lopez (7:16)
- Extending in-person on May 3rd
- Friday, April 21st is the earthquake drill
- We are notifying parents and students that we are having drills
- Spirit Day on Friday is Out of This World
- Waiver for statewide CAASPP testing has been approved
- We do not have to administer to grades 3-5
- Students will take end-of-year KDS assessments
- Really liked the ZunZun assembly, one of the best assemblies we have had
- Thank you to Soyun Kim and Preeti Agarwal for coordinating
- June 3rd is the tentative date for fifth grade promotion
- Teacher’s Report – Leslie Long (7:22)
- Kinder teachers brought up a question – Are there grade level funds that could be used per grade level so teachers could plan some end of the year fun events?
- Teachers will provide a proposed budget for their events
- Teachers may also use their annual grant budget (Misha Heacock)
- Tiles – Is there a plan to do tiles? Are we able to do an in-person activity?
- Kinder teachers brought up a question – Are there grade level funds that could be used per grade level so teachers could plan some end of the year fun events?
- HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities (7:30)
- Art Vistas -Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht, Rebekah Frederickson, Priya Vartek
- Classes are completing final projects of the year.
- Wanted to share that all of the schools are implementing their programs differently. Each school shared how their programs went and we were the only school that did the entire program and had live docents.
- Art Vistas Chipotle fundraiser on April 21st
- Box Tops- SoYun Kim
- To date we have a total $136 and our goal is $1,000.
- Month of May will be the final push for this program.
- Chef’s Night Out – Jessica Iwamoto Steed
- Chipotle – May 12th 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. (1110 Blossom Hill Rd. Ste 30) HSC receives 30% of sales. We will distribute information.
- Drama – Nancy Grochowski, Sue Malloy
- We wrap up rehearsal this week, will be working with our video editor to finalize
- Looking forward to doing a virtual wrap party
- Math Olympiad – Mike Homer, Sean Samenfeld-Specht
- Fifth and final contest before the break.
- Tomorrow will be the final meeting
- We will submit scores, then wait to hear from Math Olympiad for direction
- Last year we got an award so we will see how well we do this year
- Project Cornerstone – Sarah Rizvi, Lisa Valera (Preeti Agarwal reporting)
- Just completed for the last book of the year, The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds.
- Yearbook – Jennifer Kubisz
- Thank you to Kelli Martines and Nicole Buchwald for helping out with the classes
- We are doing things a little differently this year, since we were not able to get Lifetouch on campus to take photos
- Still looking for music and Halloween pictures
- Staff Appreciation – Kelli Martines
- April Teacher Spotlight focused on 4th grade teachers, RSP teacher, and TOSA. See the HSC Newsletter for more information about teachers
- Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week schedule for May 3-8:
- Monday- Coffee and Donuts (provided by HSC)
- Tuesday- Invite students to bring a flower to make a bouquet for their teacher
- Wed- Staff gifts (provided by HSC)
- Thursday- Invite students to make homemade cards/drawings
- Friday- Staff lunch (provided by HSC)
- Walkathon – Jasmin Canty, Jennifer Kubisz
- Starts April 23rd. For more information, visit our HSC Website at
- Material pick from 3:00 – 4:00pm for zoomers
- Material will go home with students for roomers
- Different theme for each day of the week
- Flyers will be posted in the community to encourage kids to get active
- Coloring contest submissions will be in yearbook
- Track your movement minutes
- Question- if we have family members that want to donate, is a check preferred?
- There is a link on the website to make a donation by credit card or you can download the form for cash/check.
- Will we be able to use Venmo in the future to make donations?
- Mathieu will look into that option.
- Are we asking kids to fill out the activity form or families?
- Kids can fill it out themselves
- Company match is a great opportunity to donate.
- Make sure you are selecting Lietz Home and School Club when donating
- Starts April 23rd. For more information, visit our HSC Website at
- Garden Club- John Wheeler, Lisa Porter
- Working with the District to see if we can get water delivered to the new and old garden.
- Would like to utilize space of previous garden space (behind third grade portables)
- Art Vistas -Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht, Rebekah Frederickson, Priya Vartek
- New Business (7:50)
- Program Proposal: Diversity & Inclusion – Loren Romley
- Invitation to parents or staff to form a committee to expand diversity and inclusion at Lietz and District wide
- Goal is to be more inclusive
- Zoom meeting will be held on April 30th at 4:00 p.m
- Feedback
- Recommendations:
- The Conscious Kid organization (Heather Combs)
- Kids Book About series – diverse range of topics (Caitlin S-S)
- We need to diversify our libraries, not just with content but by adding Latino and Black authors (Sandy Lopez)
- Important to reflect the diversity of our community (Kelli Martines)
- Important for students to feel represented (Jasmin Canty)
- Recommendations:
- We have the best teachers at Lietz!! Please take the time to thank teachers.
- Program Proposal: Diversity & Inclusion – Loren Romley
- Adjournment – Kelli Martines (8:07)
*Next Meeting is May 19, 2021