General HSC Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2021

7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

*37 people in attendance

  • Welcome – Jasmin Canty (7:02)
      1. Motion to start-Stephania Panayotopoulos
      2. 2nd – Kelli Saito Martines
  • Executive Board Introductions
    1. President – Jasmin Canty
    2. Vice President – Vacant
    3. Co- Treasurer- Mathieu Olivari
    4. Co- Treasurer – Nicole Colmone
    5. Secretary- Petra Riguero
  • Secretary’s Report – Petra Riguero (7:05)
    1. Meeting agenda, minutes and newsletter will be posted to the blogs page on the HSC website: 
    2. Motion to accept minutes for 5/19/21-Stephania Panayotopoulos
    3. 2nd-Christy Reinhart
  • Principal’s Report – Sandya Lopez (7:10)
    1. Thank you for the cereal and welcome back snacks
    2. Filled up our Lions Den and students have earned a Rock N Roll recess with music and dance with 10-15 minute extra for break this Friday. Sandya and teachers will be joining the students for a dance party
    3. Drama production is underway.  Little Mermaid for this year.
    4. Picture Day is Friday, September 24, 2021
    5. Classes will not have a class picture but we will have a compilation of composites of each student 
    6. Construction should be wrapping up end of September or first week of October
      1. We can’t have other adults on campus until project is complete
    7. First School Site Council meeting is October 11th at 3:00 pm.
    8. Grapefruit COVID testing starting on September 27, 2021
      1. You should have received an email from the District
      2. Sandya be sending out more information for next week
  • Teacher’s Report – Leslie Long (7:20)
    1. Thank you for getting our year started off with treats
    2. Mrs. Talley
    3. Space for teachers to eat? Can we get help to get the back garden area cleaned up and create shade? 
      1. John Wheeler and Lisa Porter are working on garden area (new and old spaces) for outdoor learning and can also be used for teachers
  • Free eFundraiser Programs – Mathieu (7:25)
    1. eScrip: enter credit card number and it automatically sends a % (usually 2%) to school 
    2. We will have tutorials posted to the website
  • HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities (7:30)
    1. Art vistas needs helpers
      1. Doing well on docents this year
      2. Lacey, Smith, Spencer, Damato needs volunteers
    2. Project Cornerstone
      1. Helps kids to build social and emotional skills
      2. 45 minute lesson each month
      3. Volunteer commitment is 2 hours a month
      4. Project Cornerstone needs volunteers for almost all classes but especially for Kindergarten, Roberts, Frost, Livermore, Warehouse, Burriss, Heacock, Wootan.
    3. Art Vistas, Clay, and Project Cornerstone have a monthly commitment but there are other volunteer opportunities
    4. Google form will be sent out outlining volunteer opportunities
  • Odyssey of the mind
    1. Program is for all students. Schools can have multiple teams, 5-7 students on each team.  Can’t have two people in the same division working on the same problem. 
    2. Creative thinking and Problem solving competition
    3. We already have one team and one slot remains.  
    5. Caitlin and Christy Rhinehart will lead and can help with registration. 
    6. Have to work on problem solving from Fall to Spring
    7. Example of a problem: needed to illustrate different parts of communication through a computer and they had to represent through physical form.
    8. They have a budget that they have to manage
  • Treasurer’s Report – Mathieu Olivari (7:35)
      1. We will not be voting on the budget tonight
      2. If you look at the account statements, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we have that available now
      3. Reviewed 2020-2021 budget
        1. Walkathon raised $35,000 in revenue
        2. Music program will expend more this year because we will have onsite
        3. Bank and charges are higher because we had several virtual events.  The more paypal donations, the more fees we pay
        4. Teacher grants we gave an extra one-time grant
        5. Questions? 
        6. Confirmation on teacher grants
        7. Community activities represent 20% of expenses
        8. Staff assistance represents 33% of expenses
        9. Online book fair was all scholastic dollars and does not go to HSC budget
          1. Scholastic dollars are used for new teachers
  • 2021-2022 Budget
      1. Allocation is similar to what we budgeted for last year
      2. Need the Walkathon to be a big fundraiser
      3. Question- Did we have an online auction last year? No
        1. We had an event two years ago. 
      4. Total expenses will be $90,000 but we tend to overestimate our expenses and underestimate our revenue
      5. Totals balances do not take into account the COVID impacted activities and events (see column M)
  • Process to Vote to Approve 2021-2022 HSC Annual Budget (7:55)
    1. Voting will done through a Google form on the HSC Website 
    2. We will leave the vote open until Friday at 11:59 p.m.
    3. Voting information will be sent out through email
    4. We’re hoping this new process will give every member an opportunity to vote
  • No update on shipping container
  • Adjournment
    1. Move to adjourn- Lisa Porter
    2. 2nd- Michelle Peterson