Lietz HSC December Newsletter




Did anyone else feel like November (and half of December!) went by with a WHOOSH?!

We’ve had a lot of changes – mainly being able to go on campus for pick-up and drop-off, program volunteers back on campus for Project Cornerstone and Art Vistas, and getting back into the classrooms with all of our amazing kids.

I had the privilege of being allowed on campus for the Walk-a-Thon, and I wanted to let you all know that the kids, our kids, had so much fun, and were so kind and honest. They definitely showed their P.A.W.S., and it filled my bucket right to the top. Our parent volunteers included a whole host of parents who hadn’t experienced an in-person Lietz event before, and it was nothing short of a delight to share that with them. 

(Speaking of the Walk-a-Thon, I’ll be taking a pie to the face first thing Friday morning (the 17th), thanks to the generosity of our Lietz friends and family.)

We’ve got a couple of weeks off of school to spend time with our loved ones, and it’s also a great time to take time to connect. Family meetings can help make sure all of the voices are heard; but during the holiday season, we use ours to make sure to make a comprehensive list of things we want to do together (there are things like walking through the neighborhood and enjoying decorations, watching a favorite holiday movie together, baking cookies, things like that). Time spent together is always time well spent – even if the activity goes wrong. Most of my favorite memories growing up were not when things went perfectly; rather, quite the opposite.

If you’re looking to make some grown-up friends, volunteering is a phenomenal way to meet new other Lietz parents!  We’re still looking for volunteers for events and programs- specifically HSC Vice President, Auction, and the Spring Fling (formerly Sweetheart Dance). 

(Seriously, please. My fourth grader has offered to be our next V.P. if there’s still a vacancy in January.)

On a more serious note, it is a great joy (and a broken-heart, simultaneously) to see our amazing principal moving forward to a position where she can take care of all of the kids in Santa Clara County schools the way she has taken care of our kids at Lietz.  Sandya’s replacement has a big spot to fill in our hearts.

I look forward to seeing you at our next HSC meeting on January 12th!

Roars truly,

Jasmin C.


Some of our staff are sharing a few of their favorite things with us. Have fun getting to know some of our favorite people!


 The DEI Committee works to support the Lietz Community in finding ways to make our campus reflective of all learners, educators and their families.  Upcoming projects include: collaborating with site staff and families around books available in our school library, looking at ways to expand upon or redesign instruction to be more inclusive and designing opportunities for students to participate in our conversations and work.  Interested in joining us?  Contact: for more details
Thank you!

Loren Romley LAc


(NEW HSC Program)


What? It’s your birthday?! Well happy birthday to you!
Let everyone know that it’s your special day! Get your name on our HBD Shout Out marquee the week of your birthday!!
HBDY ya’ll!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Winter Break…everywhere you go!
If you’re gonna be baking treats,
Don’t forget to buy Box Tops products to eat.
Making everyone smiling for sure!

Remember to clip OR scan Box Top labels
Each unexpired label equals $0.10 for our school.
For more info, please go to

A BIG CONGRATS to Luke B., 4th grade for winning our mystery gift card raffle! Next raffle will be in February! Submit 2 unexpired labels to enter.

Happy Holidays Lions!
SoYun Kim | Box Tops for Education Lead


Hi Lietz Parents/Guardians,
Thank you so much for your participation in this year’s Walkathon.  We raised a total $76,230!!! with 60% overall participation!  
The following classes will receive an ice cream bar party for highest participation:
#1: Smith 
#2: Heacock
The following classes will receive a pizza party for most funds raised per student: 
#1: Lacy 
#2: Douglas

Jen Kubisz | Walkathon Co-Lead Jasmin Canty | Walkathon Co-Lead

December marks Project Cornerstone’s second full month back in the classroom for live readings, and our volunteers and students are so excited! This month grades 1-5 read “Say Something” by Peggy Moss. This book explores the difference between being a Bystander and an Upstander. Students discussed strategies to intervene when they see “bucket dipping” behavior. To keep the conversation going at home, parents/caregivers can discuss situations where they were standing up for someone else and how that felt. 

This month, our kindergarten volunteers read the book “Talk and Work It Out” by Cheri J. Meiners. What’s the best way to solve problems between people? By talking them over and working them out. It’s never too soon for children to learn the process of peaceful conflict resolution. This book distills it in clear, simple language and supporting illustrations. Students are also taught to accept and respect one another’s position, keep an open mind by being a good listener, and identify their feelings and the feelings of others. 

The Project Cornerstone team wishes everyone a joyful (and restful) winter break, especially our hard working teachers! We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year for more reading, more skill building, and more fun!


Sarah Rizvi and Lisa Valera

Project Cornerstone Leads


 I am so pleased that the Clay Program will be starting back on campus after the break.  I am working behind the scenes to make sure we have trainings scheduled for the Docents and plenty of clay for making projects.   We need a few more volunteers to lead the lessons in some classes, so do consider attending a training.  Once you attend a training, you can be a Docent for as long as you are at Lietz.  

 Last month I suggested building your child’s sculpting skills while rolling out pie crust or sugar cookie dough.   This month, you could lead a family craft day by making salt dough and creating ornaments, bowls, and other small projects.  Check out this page for a full tutorial     1)  Mix together 4 cups all-purpose flour and 1 cup table salt in a large mixing bowl.  2)  Slowly add in 1 ½ cups warm water while stirring.  When the dough gets hard to stir, mix it with your hands until the flour is fully mixed.   Keep kneading the dough with your hands a few minutes until it is smooth and pliable.   Now you can use your dough like clay, rolling it out to make ornaments or hand prints.   Use with a rolling pin and cookie cutters or sculpt by hand.  Roll out to ¼” or less to avoid air pockets.  Don’t forget to poke a hole in your ornament with a straw.   Bake your projects on parchment paper on a baking sheet at 300 degrees until they feel hard or start getting brown.   Decorate with acrylic or spray paint.  Accent areas with glitter sprinkled into school glue.   While the salt preserves the dough, adding a thin layer of sealant like spray poly or Mod Podge makes them last longer.   Have fun! 

Happy Holidays!

Contact me at or


Art Vistas was thrilled to end November by welcoming our volunteer docents back to campus! We have a wonderful group of experienced docents who have returned to lead their classrooms, along with many intrepid new parents who are teaching art for the first time. The efforts of our volunteers and Lietz teachers help this program thrive – we appreciate you! Classes will be finishing Set B by the time winter break begins and projects included:
  • Kindergarten – construction paper trains
  • 1st – creative rubbings
  • 2nd – watercolor seascapes
  • 3rd – compositions to show distance
  • 4th – pointillistic paintings
  • 5th – limner portraits
The artwork is looking fantastic, and we remain hopeful that an Art Show may be possible in the spring. Please reach out to the Head Docent team with any questions or comments. Happy Holidays!
Rebekah Frederickson (K-1)
Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht (2-3)
Priya Vartak (4-5)



Mark your calendars! Drama Club’s production of Disney’s The Little Mermaid will be performing in March! Our cast members of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders have been hard at work to create a show sure to entertain children and adults alike. We hope that you will plan to come out and support our talented students! Keep an eye out in February for ticket sales information! 
Nancy Grochowski and Sue Malloy | Lietz Drama Club Co-Directors


We have one Executive Board opening for the 2021-23 term: Vice-President. Please complete the form or email if you are interested or if you just want to start a discussion around it.  We looking forward to hearing from you!!


HSC Newsletter (and the website) can be read in multiple languages. You can look for a drop down menu near the top left corner. Please choose the language option. If you find that your language is missing, please let us know by adding a comment to the newsletter or emailing us at We will add it!



Are you thinking of starting a new program that would benefit the Lietz community , may be in the next school year ? If so, please head to our website to complete and submit a simple Program Proposal Form.

We will work with you to make it a reality!


If your company is giving you money to give it to your favorite organization, please consider giving it to HSC either for General Donation or for Staff Appreciation. Or if you are planning to donate money, please check if your company matches the contribution. Please visit the Donate! page for making donation


Friday, December 17th – Holiday Faire

 Wednesday, January 12th at 7pm, – HSC General Meeting

To find all the HSC events, go to the Events page here. To have always up-to-date HSC events directly on your phone, tablet or computer, just Subscribe to the calendar feed.


Please use this link to find information to contact your HSC board. Please note that now HSC newsletter is only delivered digitally on the HSC website.