General Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2022

7:00 – 8:00 p.m.


*39 parents in attendance

  • Welcome – Jasmin Canty (7:00)
    1. Call to order-Jasmin Canty
    2. Nicole Colmone- 2nd
    3. Executive Board Introductions
      1. President – Jasmin Canty
      2. Vice President – Vacant
      3. Co- Treasurer- Mathieu Olivari
      4. Co- Treasurer – Nicole Colmone
      5. Secretary- Petra Riguero
  • Special Recognition and Announcement (7:05)
    1. Introduction of Crista Leamons- new Lietz Principal
    2. Thank you to Ms. Lopez!  We will miss you. Good luck in your new role at the County! 
  • Secretary’s Report – Petra Riguero (7:10)
      1. Motion to approve-Kelli Martines
      2. 2nd- Mathieu Olivari
  • Principal’s Report – Sandya Lopez (7:15)
      1. See Union School District Website on update of COVID guidelines
      2. Filled up the Lions Den again.  Rock and Roll Recess and an extra 10 minutes of recess
      3. Spirit Day tomorrow- Purple and gold or Lietz gear.  
      4. Principals Coffee- to review COVID guidelines.
        1. If you have questions, please send over to Ms. Lopez
      5. No big events this month but we may have some in February
      6. 4th grade has a field trip planned and 5th grade has Science Camp coming up
        1. For 5th grade parents, you can pay through the HSC website
  • Teacher’s Report – Leslie Long (7:25)
    1. Not along going on in January. Trying to get everyone healthy
    2. Thank you for the Teachers lunch
    3. Having fun with in-person programming
    4. Thank you to HSC for creating the website portal for Science Camp
    5. All the Science Camp paperwork is online
    6. We look forward to finishing out the rest of the year with HSC
    7. Kids loved the Holiday Faire
  • Walkathon Incentive Update (7:35)
    1. Five incentives have all been redeemed
      1. Two pizza parties
      2. Two ice cream parties- lots of ice cream left
      3. One Science Camp Coupon
  • HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities –  Jasmin Canty (7:40)
    1. Looking for leads for programs
      1. Board VP- Interface with program leads
      2. We are planning events as if we can move forward with in-person event
      3. Need leads for Spring Fling Dance and Spring Carnival/Auction
      4. New lead for Holiday Workshop for 2022- Alison Garner
  • Treasurer’s Report – Mathieu Olivari (7:50)
  • We update it once a month 
  • Revenue
        1. Amazon smile
        2. Chef’s Night Out
        3. Anonymous donations
        4. Additional money from walkathon- total is now $82, 000
        5. Science Camp payments- but only work as a vessel for funds to be paid to camp
        6. Classroom donations- goes back to the teachers
  • Expenses
      1. Paypal fees
      2. Teacher grants
      3. Question- bank fees look like it’s more than double
        1. Hard to predict how many transactions we’ll have.  Proportionate to how many transactions we have
    1. Planning to do a vote on a revised budget for February:
      1. Teachers will need more money to fund field trips
      2. Replacement of sound equipment
  • Adjournment
    1. Motion to adjourn- Jasmin Canty
    2. 2nd-Stephania Panayotopoulos

Meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. 

February 9, 2022

March 9, 2022

April 13, 2022

May 11, 2022