General Meeting Minutes

March 9, 2022

7:00 – 8:00 p.m.


*23 Parents in attendance

  • Welcome – Jasmin Canty (7:05)
    1. Meeting to order- Stephania Panayotopoulos
    2. 2nd- Sarah Rizvi
  • Executive Board Introductions
    1. President – Jasmin Canty
    2. Co-Vice President – Joshua Yadron
    3. Co-Vice President – Lisa McCabe
    4. Co- Treasurer- Mathieu Olivari
    5. Co- Treasurer – Nicole Colmone
    6. Secretary- Petra Riguero
  • Secretary’s Report – Petra Riguero (7:08)
  • Edits needed. Approval moved to the end of the agenda
  • Principal’s Report – Crista Leamons (7:12)
    1. Big protocol changes-As of next monday the mask protocols are changing and masks are recommended but no longer required. Other protocols are in place (volunteer proof of vaccination, shift in exposure letters) If there is a close contact in your students class, parents will be notified if your child has been exposed. 
    2. Student opportunities- field trips, art vistas
    3. Assemblies- we are doing some things outside
    4. Assemblies are often scheduled in advance so we may be able to schedule some before the end of the year but many speakers are not yet doing in-person assemblies.  None schedule at this time
    5. We are able to have our musical in-person
    6. Working with Ms. Long on the 5th grade promotion.  School has grown and not everyone fits in the cafeteria.  Student body has expanded over the last six years. 
    7. STEM Faire and will be asking for volunteers.  Keep your eyes out for the Lion’s Roar. 
    8. Shared a presentation across the District on LCAP
      1. How the funding in the District is organized
      2. Local Control and Accountability Plan
        1. Snapshot of telling your story for what has happened what is now and what is our future all in an effort to support our students
        2. Two purposes- continuous learning document
        3. evaluates and describes goals, actions, services, and expenditures
      3. Union school district may not have a high need for English learners but Lietz does
      4. Current LCAP is on District’s website: 

  • Teacher’s Report – Leslie Long (7:38)
    1. Nothing to report
    2. Teachers are happy to have Art Vistas
    3. Looking forward to 5th grade tile project
    4. Thank you for the support with Science Camp and all the price changes!
  • HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities (7:41)
    1. Events
      1. Chef’s Night Out is on March 10th, code is 335271
        1. HSC receives 20% off
      2. Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr. Tickets are on sale now
    2. Program updates
    3. Art Vistas
      1. Just finished set D
      2. very excited to learn that volunteers can join the docent to help
      3. Gathering names of helpers if you are interested
      5. Tentatively planning on an art show in conjunction with open house
    4. Auction- late start but co-treasurer Nicole will take lead and pair up with Spring Carnival
    5. Book Fair- aiming for week of open house, May 16-20
      1. Kids are excited to have book fair back
      2. We will need lots of help
    6. Box Tops
      1. Two times a year that physical box tops of submitted
      2. $157 for this year
      3. scanning your receipt is year around
    7. Beautification Project
      1. Looking at giving this project over to 5th grade teachers
      2. SoYun will present the project to 5th grade teacher to see if they are interested
      3. Happy Birthday shout out has raised over $400 
      4. Chef’s Night Out
        1. Panda Express- March 10th
        2. Chipotle- Monday April 26th, 5-9 pm
    8. Clay- need to give Aaron a heads up that she may be able to go back on campus
    9. Cornerstone- Run by YMCA which is having an annual fundraiser.  HSC donated $1 per student. 
      1. Kits will be put together for students- sensory toys.  Kits will be coming out next month
    10. Evening Around the World- email will be going out to parents to see who would like to participate.
    11. Garden Club- Clean up in the outdoor learning area. Working towards moving some of the beds out of the way.  There is irrigation there.  Club would like to attract butterflies and bees.  Club will be selling seedlings on Fridays.  
      1. Working with District to accelerate the pace on the new garden
      2. Seedling sales will be set up in front of the school
    12. Ice Cream Fridays- One day a week (Fridays) selling ice cream bars after school. 
    13. Math Oympiad- Completed the 4th contest last month and 1 contest remaining.  Once the 5th contest is complete the program ends
    14. Odyssey of the mind-at regional competition Lietz took 1st place.  They will move onto State championship
    15. Movie night- being planned and started taking care of licensing fee.  It’s more of a community builder than fundraiser
    16. Spirit wear- has identified a lead and will connect them to VPs
    17. Spring Carnival – Planning is underway
    18. Staff appreciation– First week of May.  More info to come next month
    19. Spring Fling – Volunteers have reached out but we are looking for a lead
  • Treasurer’s Report – Mathieu Olivari (7:40)
    1. Revenue
      1. Chef’s Night Out
      2. Farm Fresh to You 
      3. Drama
    2. Expenses
      1. Paypal fees
  1. Motion to approve the February minutes- Kelli Martines
  2. 2nd- Jessica Steed
  • Adjournment
  • Motion to adjourn- Caitlin SS
  • 2nd- Sarah

Meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

April 13, 2022

May 11, 2022