Lietz Home and School Club invites you to our annual

Spring Carnival

April 21, 2023, 4-7PM

Lietz Elementary School

Our carnival this year is on Friday, April 21 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Join us for one day of fun and excitement. The carnival will feature:

  • Silent Auction
  • Slides
  • Cake walk
  • Music
  • Glitter tattoos
  • Face painting
  • Games
  • Bounce houses
  • Nachos, pizza
  • Prizes
  • Kona Shaved Ice (cash/credit)
  • Sensory Sensitive room

This is a community event. Feel free to bring your whole family, friends, neighbors, etc…

Click on one of the links below for quick access to the sign-ups:

Tickets & Wristbands

All games, activities, and food will require tickets.

Bounce house, slide, obstacle course are 6 tickets each time or an unlimited wristband for unlimited rides on these 3 activities.

Games and other activities are 1-4 tickets. Food & drinks are 1-5 tickets.

For faster service, pre-purchase wristbands and tickets below and pick them up at the ticket booth the day of the event.


We are looking for volunteers to help us make this day unforgettable for all our little ones.
Please register for the time slots and booths that you wish to help out with. Also, please sign up for loaning items such as extension cords and coolers and donating needed items. Feel free to encourage friends and family members to help out too! As a thank you gift, each volunteer will receive 5 free carnival tickets per shift worked.

We LOVE to have high schoolers assist with this event too, we can provide a letter for community service hours after the event (please contact The only slots that they cannot work are the bounce house, inflatable obstacle course, slide, or Jr. Crew supervision spots. These activities require that volunteers be 18 or older.

When you arrive for your time  – there will be a volunteer check in booth across from the cafeteria where you can go to find out where your activity/booth is located. This is also where adults and and Jr crew members can pick up their tickets. Once you arrive at your station you will be able to get directions  and have your questions answered.

Thank you again for your support!

Volunteering & Donations

Volunteer/Donations Sign Up

Jr. Crew

Junior Crew Sign up is a way for our 4th  and 5th  graders to help run some of the games at the carnival. There will be several adults to help oversee the Jr. Crew members. By signing up your student you are giving permission for your 4th  or 5th  grader to help.
As a thank you each Jr. Crew member will get 5 tickets to use at the games!
On Friday, May 13 th  during lunch we will hold a meeting with all the Jr. Crew members at lunch to give instructions.
Please have your student arrive about 10 minutes before their start time to the volunteer sign in booth across from the cafeteria.

Jr. Crew Sign Up