14* people in attendance

1.) Welcome – Eugene Watt (7:05)

  1. Members shared fun experiences.
  2. Gene thanked the community for Book Fair participation.

2.) Executive Board Introductions

President – Eugene Watt
Co-Vice President – Kat Tan
Co- Treasurer – Adanna Malu
Co-Treasurer- Molly Tan
Secretary- Sarah Rizvi
Parliamentarian- Welcome Mathieu Olivari

3.) Secretary’s Report – Kat Tan for Sarah Rizvi (7:08)

  1. Motion to approve – Jasmin Canty
  2. Second – Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht

4.) Principal’s Report – Crista Leamons (7:10)

  1. Stargazing:really fostered curiosity and wonder
  2. Book Fair has been a success and students have been showing Ms. Leamons their books all week.
  3. We are in the middle of conferences and this is a pivotal time to connect parents/teachers and support students. Staff reporting great conversations.
  4. October break was refreshing for students and staff.
  5. Looking forward to the Writing Celebration and kids will share their stories/ideas.
  6. Lion’s Den is already full again! Tangible way to see how our students are making good decisions.
  7. Reminder: Go slowly in the parking lot to keep our students safe.

5.) Teacher’s Report – Ms. Gustafson (7:23)

  1. Thank you for the Book Fair.
  2. TK/K team thanks HSC for Zumba, students enjoying.
  3. Ms. Lacy thanks the Board for their promptness in responding to requests.
  4. Thank you for donuts on WAT day.

6.) Walk-A-Thon Update

  1. Final tally was $73,951
  2. We had a great turnout of parents
  3. Special thanks to Jen Kubicz
  4. Ms. Lacy and Ms. Heacock won the Walk-A-Thon pizza/ice cream parties. Ms. Lerma’s class won Otter Pops party.
  5. Average donation per student is $210
  6. School participation was 52%
  7. Next year’s Walk-A-Thon is in the works. We want to pre-approve several years worth of designs to give future boards a leg up. Please send any designs to Eugene Watt at eugene.watt@lietzhsc.com.

7.) HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities (7:20)

  1. This Friday is the last day of the Ice Cream Fundraiser until April.
  2. Holiday Bake Sale on Dec 8th, please volunteer to bake!
  3. New Spirit Wear Lead- Sarah Hole
  4. Winter Workshop
    1. No food items this year.
    2. Greeting cards
    3. Bottle of Wishes for 2nd-5th grade and TK-1st will do Jingle Bells
  5. Kat and Jen will be presenting at the DEI Committee Meeting tomorrow, open for public comment.
  6. Stargazing update
    1. We had 3 telescopes to see Saturn and Jupiter
  7. Silent Auction- Need a Lead
  8. Garden Club- Need more Committee Members
    1. Ms. Leamons had put Winnie Wen in touch with a gardener we collaborated with previously.
  9. Spring Carnival- Needs more Steering Committee Members.
  10. DEI Committee Meeting Nov 16
    1. We will discuss Winter Workshop and Sweetheart Dance

8.) Treasurer’s Report – Mathieu Olivari (7:50)

  1. See budget on the HSC website:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Pcpejo5zXHrO9sGRKBggxAOh_rp6mo6mV3w2DQjgaI/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Statement of Activity review
    1. Income from WAT was almost $74K. We are still waiting for $22K of Benevity Donations and Bright Fund Donations for corporate matching.
    2. Spirit Wear increased because we made purchases.
    3. Started to get income from field trip donations, used for field trip expenses.
    4. Some teacher grants were used and we fulfilled reimbursement requests. This is steadily being spent.
    5. We have $250K in our account for reserves.
  3. Revised Budget: several items we added or modified
    1. Knitting Club
    2. Lego Club
    3. Rising Tide
    4. Assemblies and Field Trips were separated into 2 line items rather than 1.
    5. Code Rev was moved from “Board Approved Extras” line to it’s own line item.
    6. Increased Field Trip Bus Grant to reflect rising bus costs (they doubled this year).
    7. Removed marketing expenses.
    8. Our Expenditure increased by about $12k
    9. We tend to overestimate our expenses and this gives us some wiggle room when we need it.
    10. it is difficult to predict how exactly we will spend our budget.
    11. next year we need to see what we can do to increase our income if we want to keep running the new STEM programs. But we do have a significant reserve so we can afford a deficit for some time.

a.) Caitlin discussed how we often have a projected deficit and as a non profit, we should be spending rather than saving.

11. ) Adjournment (8:00)

  1. Motion to adjourn- Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht
  2. Second- Jasmin Canty