14* people in attendance
1.) Welcome – Eugene Watt (7:05)
- Members shared fun experiences.
- Gene thanked the community for Book Fair participation.
2.) Executive Board Introductions
President – Eugene Watt
Co-Vice President – Kat Tan
Co- Treasurer – Adanna Malu
Co-Treasurer- Molly Tan
Secretary- Sarah Rizvi
Parliamentarian- Welcome Mathieu Olivari
3.) Secretary’s Report – Kat Tan for Sarah Rizvi (7:08)
- Motion to approve – Jasmin Canty
- Second – Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht
4.) Principal’s Report – Crista Leamons (7:10)
- Stargazing:really fostered curiosity and wonder
- Book Fair has been a success and students have been showing Ms. Leamons their books all week.
- We are in the middle of conferences and this is a pivotal time to connect parents/teachers and support students. Staff reporting great conversations.
- October break was refreshing for students and staff.
- Looking forward to the Writing Celebration and kids will share their stories/ideas.
- Lion’s Den is already full again! Tangible way to see how our students are making good decisions.
- Reminder: Go slowly in the parking lot to keep our students safe.
5.) Teacher’s Report – Ms. Gustafson (7:23)
- Thank you for the Book Fair.
- TK/K team thanks HSC for Zumba, students enjoying.
- Ms. Lacy thanks the Board for their promptness in responding to requests.
- Thank you for donuts on WAT day.
6.) Walk-A-Thon Update
- Final tally was $73,951
- We had a great turnout of parents
- Special thanks to Jen Kubicz
- Ms. Lacy and Ms. Heacock won the Walk-A-Thon pizza/ice cream parties. Ms. Lerma’s class won Otter Pops party.
- Average donation per student is $210
- School participation was 52%
- Next year’s Walk-A-Thon is in the works. We want to pre-approve several years worth of designs to give future boards a leg up. Please send any designs to Eugene Watt at eugene.watt@lietzhsc.com.
7.) HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities (7:20)
- This Friday is the last day of the Ice Cream Fundraiser until April.
- Holiday Bake Sale on Dec 8th, please volunteer to bake!
- New Spirit Wear Lead- Sarah Hole
- Winter Workshop
- No food items this year.
- Greeting cards
- Bottle of Wishes for 2nd-5th grade and TK-1st will do Jingle Bells
- Kat and Jen will be presenting at the DEI Committee Meeting tomorrow, open for public comment.
- Stargazing update
- We had 3 telescopes to see Saturn and Jupiter
- Silent Auction- Need a Lead
- Garden Club- Need more Committee Members
- Ms. Leamons had put Winnie Wen in touch with a gardener we collaborated with previously.
- Spring Carnival- Needs more Steering Committee Members.
- DEI Committee Meeting Nov 16
- We will discuss Winter Workshop and Sweetheart Dance
8.) Treasurer’s Report – Mathieu Olivari (7:50)
- See budget on the HSC website:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Pcpejo5zXHrO9sGRKBggxAOh_rp6mo6mV3w2DQjgaI/edit?usp=sharing
- Statement of Activity review
- Income from WAT was almost $74K. We are still waiting for $22K of Benevity Donations and Bright Fund Donations for corporate matching.
- Spirit Wear increased because we made purchases.
- Started to get income from field trip donations, used for field trip expenses.
- Some teacher grants were used and we fulfilled reimbursement requests. This is steadily being spent.
- We have $250K in our account for reserves.
- Revised Budget: several items we added or modified
- Knitting Club
- Lego Club
- Rising Tide
- Assemblies and Field Trips were separated into 2 line items rather than 1.
- Code Rev was moved from “Board Approved Extras” line to it’s own line item.
- Increased Field Trip Bus Grant to reflect rising bus costs (they doubled this year).
- Removed marketing expenses.
- Our Expenditure increased by about $12k
- We tend to overestimate our expenses and this gives us some wiggle room when we need it.
- it is difficult to predict how exactly we will spend our budget.
- next year we need to see what we can do to increase our income if we want to keep running the new STEM programs. But we do have a significant reserve so we can afford a deficit for some time.
a.) Caitlin discussed how we often have a projected deficit and as a non profit, we should be spending rather than saving.
11. ) Adjournment (8:00)
- Motion to adjourn- Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht
- Second- Jasmin Canty