14* people in attendance

Welcome – Eugene Watt (7:05)
i.Members shared fun experiences.

Executive Board Introductions
President – Eugene Watt
Co-Vice President – Kat Tan
Co- Treasurer – Adanna Malu
Co-Treasurer- Molly Tan
Secretary- Sarah Rizvi
Parliamentarian- Welcome Mathieu Olivari

3.) Secretary’s Report – Kat Tan for Sarah Rizvi (7:08)
i. Motion to approve – Jasmin Canty
ii. Second – Dominique Watt

4.) Principal’s Report – Crista Leamons (7:10)
i.)School Calendar for next year published.
ii.)Continue to work together to keep everyone healthy at school.
iii.)SMART start last week. District published 3 kits for teachers to use in the STEAM lab. First graders made musical instruments.
iv.)Winter Workshop went well, great event and age appropriate activities.
v.)PBIS continues to roll out. HSC supported the school with new prizes and we have already filled the Lion’s Den!
vi.) District Committees: The Bonds and Parcel taxes we voted for needs community oversight and we can participate in helping identify how the money is spent. Deadline to apply is tomorrow. We would like Lietz families represented.

5.) Teacher’s Report – Ms. Gustafson (7:23)
i.) Thanks to the HSC for arranging the Winter Workshop, the kids really loved it. Layout was a great balance of flow and intimacy.
ii.) 4th and 5th graders are enjoying the CodeRev coding classes.
iii.)Schoolwide assemblies: Do we have any coming up? Answer: Robots and Rockets.
iv.) Field Trips: Who do the staff contact to update payment buttons? – Email Board directly..
v.) Spirit Wear: Teachers and staff were gifted spirit wear in the past, will we do that again? Not in budget this year, but we gifted spirit wear to new teachers.

6.) HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities (7:20)
1.) DEI – Michelle Peterson
i.)Role is to provide a safe space for all members to come together and improve our programs and events.
ii.)Non-Membership required participation, you can drop in as you like.
iii.) Topics for this month: Drama Club, Carnival and Bingo
iv.)Meeting on Jan 18th at 7:30pm

2.) Multicultural Night
i.) Steering committee forming, staff and parents welcome to join. Zoom meeting tomorrow at 8pm.

3.) Sweetheart Dance
i.) Feb 9th at Dartmouth from 6-8pm.
ii.) All the same vendors.
iii.) We are looking for volunteers.
iv.) We are looking for donations for water, snacks, juice boxes, etc….

4.) Silent Auction: WE ARE LOOKING FOR A LEAD! Email Board@Lietzhsc.com.
i.) You won’t start from scratch, we have a database of auction items to request.
5.) Spring Carnival
i.) We are creating separate committees for the carnival to divide the work (i.e., food committee, ticket committee, bouncy house committee….)

5.) Bingo Night
i.) Can we lend our Bingo equipment to Dartmouth? Molly said yes, Kelli Martines is running their event.

7.) Treasurer’s Report – Mathieu Olivari (7:50)
i. See budget on the HSC website:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Pcpejo5zXHrO9sGRKBggxAOh_rp6mo6mV3w2DQjgaI/edit?usp=sharing
ii.)Statement of Activity review

Q&A and Comments
a.) Jasmin Canty encouraged everyone to check the lost and found.
b.) Marie asked about the Art Show Date, it will be May 22nd during Open House.

11. ) Adjournment (8:00)
i.Motion to adjourn- Michele Peterson
ii.)Second-Dominique Watt