General Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2022 

7:00 – 8:00 p.m.


  • 13 in attendance
  • Welcome – Jasmin Canty (7:00)

Call to order- Caitlin Samenfeld- Specht

Second- Crista Leamons

  • Executive Board Introductions
    1. President – Jasmin Canty
    2. Co-Vice President – Joshua Yadron
    3. Co-Vice President – Lisa McCabe
    4. Co- Treasurer- Mathieu Olivari
    5. Co- Treasurer – Nicole Colmone
    6. Secretary- Petra Riguero
  • Secretary’s Report – Petra Riguero (7:05)
  1. Motion to approve- Stephania Panayotopoulos
  2. 2nd- Kelli Martines
  • Principal’s Report – Crista Leamons (7:10)
      1. Been able to open back up for events and activities
        1. Science institute
        2. Happy Hollow
        3.  Science Camp
        4. Abc readers
        5. Art Vistas
        6. Friday rallys are consistent, working out some sound connections
        7. Problem Solving- how to solve problems in a constructive way.  So many parents and comm
        8. Drama production coming up in the next couple of months
        9. We may be able to have families come in to enjoy production so keep a look out for more information
        10. For TK and kindergarten registration go to school’s website.
        11. International playday
        12. School winter break begins 2/21 and NOT 2/14
  • Continue to find solutions to traffic- Rock and Roll Wednesdays. Spend some time to walk or use other ways of transportation than driving. 
      1. COVID protocol question on protocol- not many updates but we are anticipating announcements next week. 
  • Teacher’s Report – Diana Talley (7:20)
    1. Beautification of school
      1. Basketball hoops and backboards
    2. What is Spring Carnival update and how can teachers help
  • HSC Programs & Events, Volunteer Opportunities (7:25)
      1. Art Vistas
        1. We did some training!
        2. Not all schools are participating in the same way as Lietz
        3. Docents were able to get more up to date on how to lead breakout rooms through zoom
        4. Were on set D which begins the last three for the year
        5. We’re hoping to do some version of the Art Faire this year
    1. Box Tops
      1. We’ve earned $158 so far.  Next deadline is 2/28 at 3:00.  Need to mail in labels by 3/1.
    2. We earned $360 from the Happy Birthday announcements
    3. School Beautification-Saturday February 19th and should be decorated by the 21st
    4. Project Cornerstone- Kid might be getting something going home for new book
      1. Trying to give all kids a gift to manage socio emotional regulation
    5. Evening Around the World- need a co-lead
      1. Social event broken down by country to share cultural experiences.  
    6. Garden Club- great meeting this month with Principal Leamons. Clean up of old garden and what to do with new garden space
    7. Holiday Workshop- Great event and we have a new lead for next year
    8. Math Olympiad- first contest and two more to come for the remainder of the year.  Things are going really well.
    9. Movie Night- With COVID, we’re moving to Spring and we need a co-lead.  
    10. Odyssey of the mind- competition is on the 26th in Brentwood.  7 5th graders have been working really hard on their solution.  We’re really excited to see how they do on their solution.  They’ve been working on a selecting long-term solution and then they will get a spontaneous problem at the competition
  • Staff Appreciation- Thanks to HSC we’ve been able to do some staff appreciation.  After we get some signage down from school council, we’ll be able to get some banner to staff custodial staff
    1. Different activities that kids will be able to participate in for staff appreciation are coming up 
    2. We still need volunteers in some of the events and/or programs.  Please contact the Board if you are interested. 
  • Treasurer’s Report – Nicole Colmone / Mathieu Olivari (7:35)
      1. Revised 2021-2022 budget to be voted on via Google Forms
      2. Statement of Activity
        1. Bank charges keep growing because HOA payments through website
        2. Update budget proposal
          1. After the meeting, we’ll send out a google form to vote on revised budget
          2. We’ll leave google form open for a full week for voting
          3. We’ve removed Bingo Night
          4. Drama- We’ve increased budget on set items
          5. Give Thanks – we’ve consolidated this program under Staff appreciation
          6. Happy Birthday Program has brought in revenue with no cost
          7. Kinder yard duty- HSC does not cover cost so we’ve removed
          8. Rock beautification- added funds
          9. Staff lounge- added funds
  • Storage unit replacement- added funds- may carry over to next year
            1. Drama club would like to have storage on site for all of the set items 
            2. Board would like to see how much the storage unit could accommodate and then evaluate if we need to increase storage space. 
          1. Board approved extras with items approved up to $500- added line item
          2. Teacher grants- additional $200 per grant for a total of $500 per year only for this year. 
          3. Staff Appreciation- added back in the budget from previous year
  • On net, we’ve recorded a little bit of a deficit but we’ll be in a comfortable position given the walkathon funds raised and other donations
      1. Ice Cream Fridays- Heads up to Ms. Leamons.  Can we get it back again? 
      2. Volunteers are 5th grade parents and we can look for other volunteers for next year.
      3. We’ll send the budget and voting form to parents/guardians. Deadline to vote will on Wednesday, February 16, 2022
  1. Adjournment
  2. Motion-Kelli Martines
  3. 2nd-Stephania Panayotopoulos

Meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

March 9, 2022

April 13, 2022

May 11, 2022